68% of the time, players unknowingly stepped into the Noah’s Ark Trap when it was already in place. Read this article to avoid losing a game after just 8 moves.
Why is it easier to fall into the Noah’s Ark Trap? Because all the moves that lead to the trap make sense, and it has occurred countless times before at various skill levels. When facing 7…exd4, 68% of players chose 8.Qxd4. It’s a logical move, as they are simply recapturing the pawn. But it’s a huge blunder, losing a piece.
What if White already played 8.Qxd4?
In the Lichess database, if White has already played 8.Qxd4, there’s a 56% chance of losing, but also a 38% chance of winning. If you’ve already fallen into the trap, there are two ways to counter Black. The first option is for White to play 9.Qd5, as I mentioned earlier. It’s the best practical chance to escape the trap. However, if Black is well-prepared with Be6 and Bd7, White’s chances of winning become slim.
The second choice is to accept the fate of losing the bishop. Instead, you can recapture two pawns by playing 9.Qd3 or Qc3, which are the computer’s best moves. If you follow this line, your chances of winning increase to 41%, and the chances of losing decrease to 52%.
Why do we call it the Noah’s Ark Trap?
The Noah’s Ark Trap is used to describe the tactic of using pawns to push and trap a bishop against its own pawns on the third rank on either side of the board. This can happen for both White and Black, in any opening or during the middle game. The pawn chain looks like an ark, and it’s an old trap, hence the name Noah’s Ark Trap.
Noah’s Ark is the ship mentioned in the Genesis flood narrative. According to the story, it was the means by which God saved Noah, his family, and representatives of all the world’s animals from a worldwide deluge.
Noah’s Ark Trap in Sicilian Defense
This variation of the trap is more difficult to fall into. But at times, it can still be effective, especially in online bullet games.
Real example
This trap has occurred nine times in games between chess masters. Out of these instances, Black won in eight games and secured one draw. Consider it a lesson: don’t resign after falling for this trap.
Explore other chess traps and openings that can sharpen your tactical skills and surprise your opponents. Dive into the Siberian Trap, a weapon in the Smith-Morra Gambit that turns White’s aggression into a counterattack. Or check out the Elephant Trap, a clever and instructional trap for Black in the Queen’s Gambit Declined that punishes careless moves from White.

I’m Xuan Binh, the founder of Attacking Chess, and the Deputy Head of Communications at the Vietnam Chess Federation (VCF). My chess.com and lichess rating is above 2300, in both blitz and bullet.
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